Modeling Time Series Data with Neo4j
I’ve been receiving many questions recently at trainings and meetups regarding how to effectively model time series data with use cases ranging from hour level precision to microsecond level precision. In assessing the various approaches possible, I landed on a tree structure as the model that best fit the problem. The two key questions I found myself asking as I went through the process of building the time tree to connect the time series events were,“How granular do I really need to make this to efficiently work with and expose the time-based data being analyzed?” and “Do I need to generate all time nodes down to the desired precision level?” The balance that needs to be considered isthe initialization and maintainability of all the time learn more...
Hi, I was wondering why do this, when you can add these as properties of a incident as ints year/month/day/hour etc, or in a simple rdbms and query nodes/rows with "between" ? Would it not be faster?